The Perversion and Subversion of John 3:16
“The Perversion and Subversion of John 3:16” can be downloaded as a PDF file free or purchased in hard-copy or electronic formats (wholesale or retail) from A doctrinal statement and information is there as well.
The Perversion and Subversion of John 3:16 ...
The Perversion and Subversion of John 3:16 reveals a rancid putrid cancer in the Christian realm today. The Bible is being rewritten and reinterpreted in the new versions. Ancient heresies cloaked in a new garb have found a new venue. A battle for true Biblical Christianity rages out of sight and mind of the average Christian. This book documents, without a doubt, the most important Christian issue in our time. It is time for Bible believing Christians to return to our true Biblical heritage and take a firm stand with our traditional conservative Biblical faith.
In Christ
David Shanks
[email protected]
- Reveals the doctrinal perversion and deliberate subversion of the Bible by the rewriting and reinterpretation of John 3:16.
- Provides a comprehensive and unprecedented doctrinal study of John 3:16 by connecting the “only begotten son” to critical biblical tenets from Genesis to Revelation.
- Documents a concise history of Bible translations and how God has preserved His word though the ages.
The Perversion and Subversion of John 3:16 reveals a rancid putrid cancer in the Christian realm today. The Bible is being rewritten and reinterpreted in the new versions. Ancient heresies cloaked in a new garb have found a new venue. A battle for true Biblical Christianity rages out of sight and mind of the average Christian. This book documents, without a doubt, the most important Christian issue in our time. It is time for Bible believing Christians to return to our true Biblical heritage and take a firm stand with our traditional conservative Biblical faith.
In Christ
David Shanks
[email protected]