Israel is introducing the myth of evolution to its middle school core curriculum next year. Until now, only the biblical account of creation was taught. In order to avoid problems with Orthodox Jews, the Education Ministry is omitting animal to man evolution. Dr. Ariel Chipman, a lecturer in the Department of Ecology, Evolution and Behavior at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, told Ynet news that only by withholding human evolution was the professional committee able to introduce natural selection to the curriculum. “If this is what allows [the government] to insert the theory of evolution--such an important subject--into the education system, then as far as I’m concerned it’s fine and welcome” (“Darwin Enters Israeli Schools,” The Times of Israel, June 1, 2014). Evolution is not a theory. There is zero evidence that the universe came from nothing, that life sprang from non-life, that intelligence arose from non-intelligence, or that complex organs and creatures evolved through blind “naturalistic” processes. Darwin’s “natural selection” explains nothing, for it has no creative power. The same is true for every other Darwinian attempt to explain life, including mutations and the Big Bang. (Friday Church News Notes, August 1, 2014,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Comments are closed.
February 2020