"Israel Today, 1 November 2013 reported that 'a group of prominent Israeli rabbis issued a call for earnest prayers against the division of the land of Israel, as currently being negotiated by Israeli, American and Palestinian officials. ... They called on all faithful Jews to recite additional prayers pertaining to the continued unity of the land of Israel under Jewish sovereignty.' Reciting prayers will not help, for no man comes to the Father except through the Son whom the rabbis reject. Reciting prayers is vain repetition. God gave the whole land to Israel but He took them out of the land and scattered them among the nations because of their sin. They have been blinded and will continue so until they acknowledge their Saviour and King, Jesus Christ. That day will come early in the Tribulation. This does not mean that the Gentiles can claim the land, for the land really belongs to God. Joel wrote: 'I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there ... for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and PARTED MY LAND' (Joel 3:2). ... The Palestinians have no rights to the land, and Israel cannot possess it all until she repents. The time will come when the rabbis will urge true repentance as indicated in Joel 2:12-17. The growing Islamic threat will bring an invasion led by Russia in the first half of the Tribulation and Joel's prophecy will be fulfilled. Only then will all the land be theirs." (John Ecob, Herald of Hope, December 2013) Comments are closed.
February 2020