James Robison is a loud warning of the danger of the charismatic movement. In the 1970s, Robison was a strong Southern Baptist evangelist, preaching boldly against the theological liberalism that had permeated his denomination and that urgently needed to be rooted out, but during a personal spiritual crisis in 1982, and at the urging of his wife Betty, he allowed a charismatic preacher named Milton Green to minister to him. Green said Robison was “the most demonized man I ever met,” and Robison claims that his “deliverance” was like a giant claw being removed from his brain. I don’t know what happened to Robison in that strange encounter, but I do know that as a consequence of his experience he turned away from reproving sin and false teaching and made a radical turn to the ecumenical philosophy. He began to focus on non-judgmentalism and “unity” and began developing close relationships with the most radical of charismatic preachers, such as Paul Yonggi Cho, Paul Crouch, Kenneth Copeland, and Oral Roberts. (See our book The Pentecostal-Charismatic Movements for documentation of these men’s heresies and nuttiness.) In the Jan.-Feb. 1986 issue of his magazine, Days of Restoration, Robison said: “There are going to be MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS surpassing anything seen even in New Testament times. ... EVERY TRUE DISCIPLE WILL BE DOING THE KIND OF WORKS JESUS DID.” Robison even apologized for his part in the struggle between conservative Bible believers and theological liberals in the Southern Baptist Convention. He visited liberal Baylor University and apologized to the leaders, when he should rather have rebuked them for giving the wicked doctrine of evolution and other heresies a haven in this Baptist institution. At the July 1987 North American Congress on the Holy Spirit and World Evangelization, the newly minted charismatic Robison praised the Mary-venerating Pope John Paul II and said, “People who know it really believe he is a born again man.” I was seated only a few feet from him when he said this, having attended the conference with media credentials. The charismatic movement and its contemporary music is the most effective building block of the one-world church. Any spirit that does not reprove error and heresy is not the Spirit of God, who is called the “Spirit of truth” four times in Scripture. (Friday Church News Notes, August 1, 2014, www.wayoflife.org, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Comments are closed.
February 2020