Romans 8:28 Scientists have discovered that seemingly purposeless behaviors among leaf cutting ants actually serve an important function. Leaf cutting ants cut green leaves into pieces that they can carry back to the nest. As they cut a leaf, they vibrate, creating an effect like an electric knife. Since they can cut the leaves without vibrating, it would seem to have no purpose. Smaller worker ants accompany the larger worker ants to their leaf cutting site. Then they wait around, watching the larger workers. To make matters stranger, once a leaf section is ready to be carried back to the nest, the little do nothing workers climb aboard the leaf to be carried back home with it. New research has revealed that these apparently pointless behaviors serve a single, important purpose. As the larger worker finishes cutting a leaf section, she vibrates even faster. The increased rate of vibration is apparently a signal to the smaller worker to board the leaf section for the ride home. But why are the smaller workers there in the first place? Researchers have discovered that they discourage attacks by phorid flies. These flies would otherwise inject an egg into a leaf cutting ant. When the egg hatches, the larva chews its way through the ant, killing it. This amazingly designed system reminds us that there is purpose throughout the creation. God is the Author of purpose, not mindless chance. God's highest purpose for us is to come to faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Notes: Science News, 2/5/00, pp. 92 94, "When ants squeak." Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 “Closer to home, we observe pastors in Australia assisting other pastors in taking their brethren to court, or projecting one image at pastors’ conferences and another at their youth rallies, or calling themselves fundamentalists and then contradicting their profession by sitting admiringly at the feet of Emergent and charismatic CEO/pastors, discipled by charlatans on how to build a larger empire. ... Or maybe you’ve met the reverend gentlemen who fiercely reprove their reprovers arguing that reproofs are unloving? ... Oh, I know these things leave most of the brethren cowed and fearful, afraid not to hew to the party line, fearful of making an enemy, but they ought to cause every true-hearted and valiant man to lie awake at night, asking over and over, ‘Why do so many men in ministry have very poor Christian ethics?’ We ought to do this to the point that we determine, by God’s grace, to find, to embrace, and to defend the ethics of the Son of God. Any day now I expect to receive in the mail an invitation to join the Aussie branch of the IBDRTBF. It is the new name for the Old Boys Club. It stands for Independent Baptist Don’t Rock The Boat Fellowship. It is for those anaemic preachers with timid souls. You know, the ones with bobble heads, always nodding yes to everything a reverend Doctor says.” “The Vanishing Ethics of the Ministry” by Buddy Smith, Heads Up! Sept. 18, 2015 Psalm 31:3 When a honeybee finds a good source of food, she returns to the hive to tell fellow bees where it is. Her dance tells nest mates the direction of the source from the nest and how far away it is. Researchers have long puzzled over how the bee knows the distance she has traveled. Several theories have been proposed, but until now, none have been proven. Several years ago, an international research team convincingly demonstrated how bees know how far they have traveled visually. Researchers trained bees to fly through a 30 foot tube by placing food at the far side. Then they placed a checkerboard pattern inside the tube designed to make the bees think they had flown farther than they really had. Researchers found that the pattern made the bees think they had flown 31 times farther than they really had. After watching the bees that had gone through the tricky tube, researchers calculated that for every 18 degrees an image travels across the bee's eye, she will dance for one millisecond as she communicates her discovery. As one researcher put it, they have calibrated the bees' odometer. Bees themselves are a wonder of design. The way they communicate their finds with one another are even more difficult to explain by those who accept evolution. These are all designs of the Creator Who wishes to guide us to Himself. He communicates with us through His Word that tells us of salvation through the forgiveness of sins that is found in His Son, Jesus Christ. Notes: Science News, 2/5/00, p. 87, "Bees log flight distances, train with maps." Photo: Courtesy of Magnus Manske. (CC-BY-SA 3.0) Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 Anti-apartheid activists in South Africa are criticizing those who are using the discovery of an allegedly new human ancestor (Homo Naledi) for racial jokes. African National Congress politician Zwelinzima Vavi twittered, “I am no grandchild of any ape, monkey or baboon.” He described being called a baboon by white racists during apartheid. As with all of the ape-men drawings since the days of Charles Darwin, Homo Naledi is depicted as half ape, half black man. Racism was an integral part of Darwinianism until the racial aspect became politically incorrect well into the twentieth century. Darwin’s prominent German disciple Ernst Haeckel said the tribes of Africa “have remained, down to the present day, at the lowest stage of human development, and made the smallest advance beyond the ape” (Mario Gregorio, From Here to Eternity, p. 247). Some of Haeckel’s charts depicted the supposed evolution of modern man from the lower “race” (Negroid) to the higher (Caucasians, and especially, of course, Germans). Haeckel made a drawing of a tree populated by a gorilla, an orangutan, a chimpanzee, and a Negro. He strongly believed in racial superiority, considering it a natural product of evolution. Henry Osborn, president of the American Museum of Natural History and discoverer of “Nebraska Man,” said, “The standard intelligence of the average adult Negro is similar to that of the eleven-year-old youth of the species Homo sapiens” (“The Evolution of Human Races,” Natural History, Jan.-Feb. 1926). Osborn was one of the “experts” who presented evidence in favor of evolution at the Scopes Trial. For more on this see “Darwinian Racism” at the Way of Life web site. (Friday Church News Notes, September 25, 2015, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Psalm 119:160 Unfortunately, many biblical archaeologists do not accept the Bible's account of the period of the judges. They believe that there was no distinct Israel during this time. In a talk at Northwestern University, however, William Dever severely challenged these views. Dever is professor of Near Eastern archaeology and anthropology at the University of Arizona. He pointed out that during the period of the judges, about 300 new villages appeared out of nowhere in the central hill country of Palestine. The distinctly different design of the houses and villages match the living arrangements practiced in Israel at this time. Evidence, he noted, points to an increase in population that could only be accounted for by a rapid influx of people. Furthermore, while pigs were a common staple at this time in Palestine, these new towns are unique in that they contain no pig remains. Farming also changed rapidly as hillsides were terraced. The introduction of iron affected daily life. And pottery styles changed rapidly as the culture developed. Moreover, the Egyptians artifact of the time conclusively proves biblical history. A monument erected in Egypt during the period of the judges mentions Israel as a distinct people. While science can illustrate many details found in the Bible, we don't believe what the Bible says because of science. Therefore, science can never "prove" the Bible to be in error. Faith convinces us of the Bible's truth. Notes: Biblical Archaeology Review, 3/4/00, pp. 28 35, 68, "Save Us From Postmodern Malarkey." Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 The Roman Catholic Church has long been opposed to Israel. Jews were slaughtered during the Catholic crusades and placed in ghettos in Catholic cities. The heresy of Replacement Theology, which replaces Israel with the Church, was fathered by Rome and borrowed from her by Protestants. In 1922, Cardinal Gasparri, Vatican Secretary of State, voiced concern that the British Mandate on Palestine might “give Israel a privileged position and might compromise the rights of the Catholic Church regarding the protection of the Holy Places” (“The Holy See and the Postwar Palestine Issue,” International Affairs, Spring 1984). In 1950, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency reported that the Vatican was “intensifying its campaign for the internationalization of Jerusalem” (JTA, Nov. 21, 1950). In the 1980s, the Vatican began to support the PLO and its goal of making East Jerusalem its capital. In 1982, Yasser Arafat was received at the Vatican “with all the honor and dignity accorded a head of state.” With the 2015 treaty, the Vatican’s support shifts from the PLO to the Palestinian State. The Vatican is comfortable making treaties with Muslim terrorist organizations that hate Israel, vow her destruction, and persecute professing Christians because the Vatican is one of the devil’s chief instruments in human affairs. One day, Mystery Babylon will yoke together with the very Antichrist himself, according to Revelation 17, and Rome doubtless is at the heart of this end-time phenomenon. “And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3). (Friday Church News Notes, September 25, 2015, [email protected], 866-295-4143) The United Nations has announced that it will raise both the Vatican flag and the Palestinian flag (“Holy See Flag to Be Raised,”, Sep. 21, 2015). The Vatican flag will be raised this morning in honor of Pope Francis’ arrival to address the General Assembly, and the Palestinian flag will be raised on September 30 when President Mahmoud Abbas addresses the Assembly. This is an appropriate action, in our estimation, since both entities are enemies of God’s plan for Israel. In May, the Vatican officially recognized “the state of Palestine,” and in a papal audience on May 16, Pope Francis called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas “an angel of peace,” which is nonsense. In March 2014, the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, part of Abbas’s Fatah organization, launched deadly rocket attacks against Israel. Any “peace” plan proposed by the Palestinian leaders is a lie to cover their long-term objective of destroying Israel. In 2013, Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs Mahmoud Al-Habbash, in an on-camera sermon at Friday prayers, likened their “peace deals” to Muhammed’s Treaty of Hudaybiyyah with the Arab Quraish tribe in Mecca. The “10 year truce” was merely intended to gain time, and was broken two years later when Muhammed conquered Mecca at the point of the sword. Muhammed taught that it is acceptable to lie to one’s enemies. The antichrist will make the ultimate deal with Israel, and in the midst of a seven-year peace program he will sit in Israel’s temple declaring himself as “God” and will unleash persecution against the Jews (Daniel 9:26-27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12). “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God” (2 Th. 2:3-4). (Friday Church News Notes, September 25, 2015, [email protected], 866-295-4143) I Corinthians 12:2 While the word "fossil" is a modern term, people thousands of years ago may have known about fossils. If they did, they didn't know what fossils were. That's the new theory proposed by a group that includes a folklorist and some paleontologists. Their theory is based on the figures painted on a 2,500 year old Corinthian vase. The colorful vase was made about 550 B.C. Called the Hesione vase; it shows the mythical woman, Hesione, being rescued from the monster of Troy by the Greek hero Herakles. Only the monster's head is shown emerging from a cave. The head looks very much like a giant skull with a tongue and a lizard like eye socket. Those behind the new theory conclude that these details were added to what was really a very common fossil in the area. The monster was evidently perceived as a sea serpent. However, paleontologists say that the area around the Aegean Sea and western Turkey contains many fossils of large giraffes, camels and horses. Sometimes these fossils become exposed as the rocky hillsides weather. When the ancient Greeks found these large fossils, they thought that they were the bones of gods and monsters. While this may seem superstitious to us today, we should be careful. Today's great superstition is that life evolved from non living matter over millions of years. Belief in evolution is no less an attempt to escape acknowledging our Creator God than the legends of the ancient Greek gods. St. Paul himself wrote that the eternal power and divine nature of God are evident through the creation. Notes: Science News, 2/26/00, p. 133, "Vase shows that the ancients dug fossils, too." Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 The Contemporary Christian Music crowd loves rock & roll, and there is no biblical principle or godly argument that will pry it from their ears. CCM artists listen to secular rock in their private lives; they perform it in their concerts and record it for their albums. They don’t care who they offend. In fact, they seem as eager to offend the “old-fashioned Christian” as I was in my unsaved hippie-rebel days. They become so drunk on rock and so spiritually stupid that they even use secular rock in the worship of God. Consider some examples from the past few years. Granger Community Church in Granger, Indiana, featured Beatles Music as their 2007 Christmas theme. They advertised it as “Let it Be...Christmas--A Story Told by Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, George and Ringo.” NewSpring Church in Florence, South Carolina, performed “Highway to Hell” by the vile rock band AC/DC for Easter service 2009. NewSpring performed Ozzy Osbourne’s “Crazy Train” in November 2011. Northpoint Church of Springfield, Missouri, performed “Sympathy for the Devil” by the Rolling Stones for Easter service 2011 and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” in November 2011. The Church by the Glades in Miramar, Florida, performed “Calling All the Monsters” in October 2011. The theme of the song is “magic and fantasy” and the sensual dance moves were inspired by Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” (For many more examples, see the book Baptist Music Wars, available from Way of Life in print and free eBook editions.) (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2015, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Psalm 96:3 It wasn't until 1839 that cell theory was first described by Theodor Schwann in basically its modern form. By 1858, researcher Rudolf Virchow had learned enough about the cell to conclude that every cell must come from a preexisting cell. But Charles Darwin wasn't paying attention. The very next year he published a book, On the Origin of Species, which theorized that the first cell was formed from non living matter. In Darwin's day, the cell was thought to be just a simple sac filled with jellied carbon. This concept is the origin of the term protoplasm. However, nearly 150 years of cell research has shown us that even protozoan and fungi cells are hugely complex. Today we know that even the simplest of these cells, eukaryotes, have an estimated 100,000 parts. Many thousands of different operations are taking place continuously within each of the cell's many parts, called organelles. Furthermore, the cell cannot live until all these parts are working properly. Even the simple E. coli bacterium has 4,000 genes. If we were able to magnify the DNA of the E. coli to the thickness of a clothesline, it would be five miles long! There is no such thing as a "simple cell." The fact that a cell cannot live without all these thousands of parts shows that cells were created in their finished form, just as the Bible says. Even bacteria declare the glory of our Creator! Notes: CRSQ, 3/99, p. 228, "The Putative Evolution of the Animal Eukaryote Cell Ultrastructure." Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 A new study by the Public Religion Research Institute finds that Roman Catholics in America support same-sex “marriage” and abortion as much as the general population. When asked whether “same-sex marriage” should be legal, 55% of all Americans and 60% of Catholics express favor. When asked whether abortion should be legal in all or most cases, 53% of all Americans and 51% of Catholics express favor. The report is entitled “The Francis Effect: U.S. Catholic Attitudes on Pope Francis, the Catholic Church, and American Politics.” Homosexual “marriage” and abortion are contrary to official Catholic teaching, but the Catholic Church has never produced a high degree of morality. This is evident by examining the most heavily Catholic parts of the world, such as Italy, Mexico, Quebec, and the American northeast. One reason is that Rome’s official morality is undermined by the examples of its priests, bishops, and popes. Rome’s moral history is wretched. Even the Catholic Encyclopedia is forced to document the reprobation of many of its popes. The Catholic Church in America suffered a serious financial hit in recent decades because of the filthiness of its priests. (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2015,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Psalm 94:9 Scientists have learned that the eye is a multipurpose organ. They have long tried to figure out how our internal biological clock is set. This amazing clock is located in the brain and follows a period of almost exactly a day. It controls many of the body's rhythms, so it's important that it is properly set. Scientists do know that the clock is set by light. They also know that your clock is not set by the rods and cones in your eye that see color and images. They had conclusively shown that the eye's rods and cones have nothing to do with setting the clock. Several years ago, researchers bred mice whose eyes lacked rods and cones. As they shifted light periods, the mice still adjusted their biological clocks to the new periods. Now researchers are convinced they have found how our eyes adjust our biological clock after studying, of all things, the African horned frog. While studying the frog, scientists discovered a photoreceptor called melanopsin. This photoreceptor is found in the skin, eyes and brain of the frogs. They then decided to test for melanopsin in our eyes. They discovered that a form of the photoreceptor is produced in the inner retina of our eyes. The rods and cones of our eyes are located on the outer retina. The human eye, and those of mammals, is a multi purpose organ! The intricate and precise ways in which we have been made increasingly glorify our Creator as we learn more about how we have been made. Surely it takes more faith to believe that such an elegant system as our biological clocks evolved by chance. Notes: Science News, 2/19/00, p. 120, "Protein may help the eyes tell time." Photo: Copyright © Dr. Samer Hattar. (Fair Use). Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 “Muhammed’s practice and constant encouragement of bloodshed are unique in the history of religions. Murder, pillage, rape, and more murder in the Quran and in the Traditions ‘seem to have impressed his followers with a profound belief in the value of bloodshed as opening the gates of Paradise’ and prompted countless Muslim governors, caliphs, and viziers to refer to Muhammed’s example to justify their mass killings, looting, and destruction. ‘Kill, kill the unbelievers wherever you find them’ is an injunction both unambiguous and powerful.” (Serge Trifkovic, The Sword of the Prophet, p. 51) 1 Corinthians 15:22 Some people think that they can believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior and at the same time believe God created through evolution. These people are called theistic evolutionists or progressive creationists. What kind of nature would a god have who creates through the death that is essential to evolution? First, death would have to have begun from the very moment of creation. Death, disease, pain and suffering would have had to originate with this god. Long before man, according to evolution, dinosaurs were eating other dinosaurs, and entire species were dying out. Rather than loving us, such a god would be indifferent and capricious. The god that would use evolution to make living things would have no right to punish sin. He would have had no right to bring a worldwide Flood to punish sinful man. This kind of god would be nothing more than a bully. Such a god would not be likely to have given us his word. And nothing the Bible says about him could be true. If the Bible really is from him, it is full of untrue claims. Any god who created using evolution is not the God of the Bible. If you think about it, the god of evolution sounds surprisingly like the devil. What's wrong with believing that God created through evolution over millions of years? Any god that uses evolution and death to make us is extremely cruel. More importantly, if there was no first Adam to bring sin and death into the world, there was no need for Christ, Whom the Bible calls the last Adam, to die and save us from sin and death. Notes: Creation, 9 11/99, pp. 42 45, "The god of an old Earth." Photo: (CC-BY 2.0). Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 By a margin of 74% (330 to 118), England’s MPs rejected an assisted dying bill. This week’s vote reflects a wider margin of opposition than the last one in 1997, in spite of an aggressive, very noisy, and emotional push by euthanasia proponents. Fiona Bruce, MP for Congleton, is representative of the opponents of the bill, warning that the bill lacks safeguards for the vulnerable. “We are here to protect the most vulnerable in our society, not legislate to kill them. This bill is not merely flawed, it is legally and ethically totally unacceptable” (“Assisted Dying Bill,” BBC News, Sep. 11, 2015). MP Caroline Spelman rightly warned that “the right to die can so easily become the duty to die.” Dr. Philippa Whitford, breast cancer surgeon, observing that modern palliative care is sufficient for pain control, argued, “We should support letting people live every day of their lives till the end.” She urged the MPs to vote for “life and dignity, not death.” The British Medical Association opposes all forms of assisted dying. (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2015,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Psalm 50:11 There are 13 species of a brightly plumed little songbird known as the fairy wren. The birds are found in Australia and New Guinea. So colorful are their feathers that the various species go by names like "superb," "splendid" and "lovely." However, even more noteworthy is the birds' unusual behavior. A male courting a female will bring her a flower petal. The petal usually matches his color or is a deeply contrasting color. Normally a perky little bird with an upright tail, when courting he lowers his tail and creeps around close to the ground. As he twists his body back and forth, he puffs out his cheek feathers. If the female accepts his courting, she builds their nest alone, lining it with bright parrot feathers. While they mate for life, they are not known for fidelity to their mates. When mature, females will go off on their own, but males may stay with their parents for a year or more. Their main duty is to guard the family nest. If danger approaches the nest, the guard will puff up his wings, lower his tail and scuttle through dry grass, pretending to be a mouse. The idea is to lure the predator away from the nest. The beauty and unusual behavior of these little birds testifies to more than God's creativity and love for beauty. They remind us of the beauty that was lost to God's creation when it was tainted by man's sin. Thankfully, some of that beauty that was lost can return to our lives through the forgiveness of sins that is found in Jesus Christ. Notes: Natural History, 11/94, pp. 56 62, "Faithful Philanderers." Photo: Courtesy of Benjamint444. (CC-BY-SA 3.0). Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 An Israel battalion with 70% female soldiers is training to face ISIS in the Sinai Peninsula. The Caracal Battalion, named after a cat species whose sexes appear the same, is “renowned for fielding both male and female combatants” (“IDF Prepares to Fight ISIS Invaders,” Israel Today, Sept. 8 2015). Caracal is training to keep ISIS from entering Israel from the south. The number of ISIS forces in Sinai is estimated at 2,000-3,000. The battalion commander, Capt. Ksusha Levin, said, “We are preparing for worst case and extreme scenarios.” It is said that ISIS is not happy about this, as being killed by a female disqualifies jihadists from entering the terrorists’s heaven to enjoy 72 “black eyed” virgins. In Iran, many Kurdish women are also fighting against ISIS after undergoing grueling training. Some of them are former ISIS captives and “sex slaves” who have the courage and conviction to face these thugs in battle. (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2015,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Paul McCartney recently led a group of rockers in singing “Love Song to the Earth” in support of the United Nations Climate Change Conference that is scheduled for this December. Joining McCartney were Jon Bon Jovi, Sheryl Crow, and others. The proceeds to the song go to “the work of the U.N. Foundation to inspire international action on climate change” (“Artists Release ‘Love Song to the Earth,” Breitbart, Sep. 9, 2015). The United Nations cares nothing about climate change. It is a hypocritical and greedy institution that cares preeminently about power and money, and that is what the climate change movement is all about at the higher echelons. It is hypocritically driven by evolutionists who supposedly care about saving the earth while believing that everything is the product of blind chance, that there is no ultimate meaning to life, and that the universe is destined to die as the effect of the second law of thermodynamics works out to its ultimate conclusion. How can such people with any reasonable conviction care about saving the earth? According to their own humanistic philosophy, Paul McCartney, Jon Bob Jovi, Sheryl Crow, the leaders of the U.N. Foundation, et al, are meaningless products of blind chance. They will soon die, and when they are dead they are dead. They came from nothing; there is no ultimate meaning to their lives; and they return to nothing. This isn’t a philosophy or a cause to get excited about. I thank the Lord for that wonderful day 42 years ago when the Lord shined light into my hippie-ized, Beatles-loving, spiritually-darkened heart and my blinded eyes were opened to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. This lovely gospel teaches that life was made by an almighty, compassionate and holy Father God who loves man even in his rebellion and has provided salvation for His creatures through the sacrifice of His own Son on Calvary. I’m not talking about Christianity or religious tradition; I’m talking about the truth of an infallible Bible and new life in the resurrected Jesus Christ. This gospel is rejected and mocked by the rocker-U.N. crowd, but it is as vastly superior to their philosophy as light is to darkness and as life is to death, and I will not be intimidated by them. (Friday Church News Notes, September 18, 2015,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) 2 Timothy 1:13 If you own a car, you know that it has an engine, doors and, of course, wheels. There are some engineering solutions to transportation problems that are clearly better than others, and no matter who makes the car, designers eventually arrive at the same solutions because they work best. The same pattern holds true in creation. If you were designing genetic material that did one thing in one type of creature and a similar thing in a completely different type of creature, you would use the best design for both. That would result in similar genetic material in both creatures that was subtly different enough to do its unique job in each creature. As a result of using the best design solution, rather than chance, two very different creatures would have similar genetic material. And that's what we are finding as we learn more about genetics. For example, we know that a particular gene in a developing mouse embryo influences the development of the back part of its brain. A very similar gene in the fly influences the development of its antenna, which are sensors that are tied into the brain. Another gene that is similar in people, fish and flies, influences the unique development of eyes in those creatures. Similarities like these argue against the chance development of the genetic code. The same Designer that invented the genetic code also gave us His Word, which He also intelligently designed to bring us the knowledge of salvation in Jesus Christ. Notes: Creation Research Society Quarterly, 9/99, pp. 62 67, "Embryology and Evolution." Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 There is an app called Private Photo that allows people to hide photos under a seemingly innocent app, such as a calculator. The calculator works as a calculator, but you can punch in a secret code to see a hidden photo collection. Attorney Pamela Casey of Alabama says, “Look at your child’s phone. If you see Calculator%, you’re going to want to talk to your child about what their secret code is. They have that code there to hide photos” (“District Attorney Warns Parents,” Sept. 5, 2015, Private Photo is only one of many such apps. As we warn in the new course The Mobile Phone and the Christian Home and Church, young people can be very adapt at finding ways around parental rules. One parent wrote, “They are amazingly capable of turning simple devices into tools of communication. My oldest daughter had a Nook reading device when she was 13. We didn’t think it was capable of being used as a device to communicate. Teens, however, from all over the world began leaving comments on the ‘book review’ section of the web site it links to (Barnes & Noble, I believe), and those comments became give and take communication. They described themselves to each other, gave out addresses and phone numbers, discussed things that make me blush.” Another parent said, “Children can turn simple game systems like a Nintendo Wii video console into an Internet communication device. Mine have. We even had one hack into our home wifi to allow Internet-based gaming on a personal computer though I had expressly disallowed that. These kids can figure that stuff out; no one should think they are protected if the child has access to a computer or game system; they WILL find a way to communicate with their friends.” Another wrote, “Young people can use their phone for code to fool their parents. Recently a parent had their daughter get involved with a young boy and did not know about it for months. The girl ran off with the boy. The parents found her, separated her from the boy, and limited her cell phone for use only with family members. The girl had set up a way for her sisters to give her boyfriend messages through her text messages to her sisters. They had a code for each one of the emotion signs, such as ‘the smiley face means _____.’ Again, the parents did not know; they just thought she was texting her sisters!” Parents today must know enough about technology to help and protect the children. (Friday Church News Notes, September 11, 2015,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Genesis 6:19 Charles Darwin recognized that ants challenged his theory of natural selection. He even mentioned it in his Origin of Species. He even asked how the situation with the lowly ant could ever be reconciled with his theory. He never did come up with an answer, and neither have modern evolutionists. Darwin's problem was with the worker ants. Even though they are products of sexual reproduction, they differ greatly from their parents. They are each specialized with features their parents don't have so they can carry out their designated tasks in the nest. The problem is that these workers are sterile females, so they cannot pass on the traits that are unique from their parents. Modern evolutionists theorize that perhaps there were some lucky mutations that took place in queen ants through their evolutionary history. However, this explanation is not very credible since the oldest fossilized ants are identical to today's ants. That means that there is no evidence of evolution in ants over a period of 70 million "evolutionary" years. Of course, we at Creation Moments don't accept claims that the world is that old. Perhaps God, in His foreknowledge, designed ant society this way to foil Darwin and those who have thought like him throughout history. Whatever the case, here is evidence that the ant neither evolved nor could have possibly evolved. Notes: CRSnet, 2/9/00, "Evolution, Sex and the Ant." Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 Psalm 104:25-26a On recent Creation Moments programs we have talked about several evidences that strongly suggest contact between Europe and the New World before Columbus. Some evidence even suggests that knowledge of the New World was common before the Dark Ages. Now, mainstream science has concluded that the Romans made it nearly as far as Mexico City by the second century A.D. Anthropologist Romeo Hristov studied a black terracotta head that was uncovered near Mexico City in 1933. It had been unearthed by professional archaeologists, documented, and then stored away in a Mexico City museum. Hristov removed material from the head and sent it to the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. After testing, scientists concluded that the material was 1,800 years old. Hristov also had the figure evaluated by art experts. They concluded that it matches figures that were created by the Romans in about 200 A.D. Hristov and other scientists agree that the figure is solid proof that there were indeed Romans wandering about Mexico as early as the second century A.D. Ships and sailing are documented early in the Old Testament. While these sailors didn't have all the tools we have today, they were just as intelligent as today's sailors. They were also filled with the same drive to explore and subdue the Earth as we have today, a drive that was placed in us when our forefather Adam was created. Notes: The Province, 2/10/00, p. A38, "Romans said first to find New World." Photo: Copyright © Romeo H. Hristov. (Fair Use). Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 The following is excerpted from Todd Starnes, Fox News, Sept. 4, 2015: “A Navy chaplain accused of failing to show ‘tolerance and respect’ toward gay sailors has been cleared of all wrongdoing and will not be removed from the military. ‘I am relieved the Navy sided with me,’ Lt. Cmdr. Wes Modder told me. Modder, a highly decorated veteran who once ministered to an elite Navy SEAL unit, had been given a ‘detachment for cause’ letter in February. He was removed from his job after his commander accused him of being intolerant and unable to ‘function in the diverse and pluralistic environment’ of the Naval Nuclear Power Training Command in Goose Creek, S.C. ‘On multiple occasions he discriminated against students who were of different faiths and backgrounds,’ wrote Capt. Jon R. Fahs, the chaplain’s commanding officer, in a memorandum obtained by Fox News. Navy Personnel Command rejected the commander’s recommendation to fire Modder, Military Times reported. ‘There is no documentation of poor performance in his personnel record,’ one unnamed officer told the newspaper. Instead, the chaplain, who is endorsed by the Assemblies of God, was cleared of all wrongdoing and will be allowed to retire--marking the end of nearly 20 years of military service. ‘This is not only a great day for Chaplain Modder, but for every American who supports religious freedom in our military,’ said Michael Berry, the chaplain’s attorney. ... Earlier this year, a gay married officer was assigned to be Modder’s assistant. The assistant initiated the complaint against the chaplain because of his views on homosexuality and same-sex relationships. ‘I believe some of what the lieutenant has alleged could constitute a military crime--false statements, taking what the chaplain said and twisting or misconstruing it in an attempt to get the chaplain punished,’ Berry told me.” CONCLUDING NOTE: Modder was the victim of a set up. He was lied about by a homosexual serviceman in an attempt to destroy his career, which shows the fearful atmosphere that has been created by “gay rights” and Obama’s military policies. (Friday Church News Notes, September 11, 2015, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Isaiah 45:12 Evolutionists often claim that evolution can produce living things that look as if they are designed. This is their way of answering arguments that things that look designed don't need a Designer. However, in January of 2000, a paleontologist and an astronomer teamed up to publish a book that says that conditions on Earth are so unique, there is probably no other life like us in the universe. (We do need to keep in mind, however, that they write from an evolutionary perspective.) Scientists Peter D. Ward and Donald C. Brownlee concluded that conditions could exist elsewhere in the universe that could support microbes. However, there may be nowhere else in the universe that life above that level might exist. First, they say, we can rule out life near the centers of galaxies because lethal levels of several types of radiation exist there. The scientists conclude that the Earth is perfectly placed for intelligent life. Our moon is just the right size to control our climate, tilt and tides. The planet Jupiter acts as a giant shield to protect us from meteors and asteroids, and it, like the Earth, has an orbit that does not threaten other planets. Our sun is a heavy-element star with a rare elliptical orbit. And earth's atmosphere has a carefully balanced mix of elements with just enough carbon to support life. Biological evolution cannot explain these delicate and unusual designs, but the designs can easily be accounted for if they came from the hand of an all wise, all knowing Creator. Notes: World, 2/19/00, p. 8 "Custom made Earth: OK, but who made it?" Creation Moments, Inc., P.O. Box 839, Foley, MN 56329 “A 35-year-old Egyptian Christian is likely to remain in jail for one to five years for handing out Bibles in a shopping mall. The Christian Post reports Medhat Ishak was caught handing out Bibles in Oct. 6 last year. He was sentenced to 15 days in jail for ‘inciting sectarian strife’ and ‘harming national security.’ However, a judge has now slapped Ishak with a heftier charge--blasphemy. The Christian man now faces a sentence between one and five years in prison for ‘insulting religion,’ though his lawyers argue Ishak did not commit the offense. According to attorney Rafik Rafaat, Ishak did encounter a Muslim man at the mall, though he did not know he was Muslim at first. Ishak offered him a Bible and when the man refused and explained that he was a Muslim, Ishak apologized and left.” “Egyptian Christian,”, Aug. 28, 2015 |
February 2020