John 15:13 “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” It has long been argued that animals do not make friendships. According to evolutionary thinking, animals only make friends among relatives because it benefits another creature that shares the same gene pool. Survival of their gene pool is said to be the driving force for every living creature, although animal knowledge of gene pools is still a mystery! A detailed study of select animal populations calls this thinking into question. The Atlanta Zoo had two female and one male giraffes. After nine years together without mating, the male was sent to another zoo. This produced much agitated behavior among the females and raised the question: Had these animals developed a friendship? A study was made at the San Diego Zoo where there were 12 giraffes. Among other things, it was found that mother giraffes with young ones often hung around with each other. Certain animals would spend 15 percent of their time with the same giraffe. It was further noted that, among another population of giraffes, certain females were seen with the same female one-third to one-half of the time. Similar signs of friendship have been noted among rhinos, dolphins and even vampire bats. It would appear that friends are a gift that God has not only given to man, but many of His creatures, and has nothing to do with evolution or gene pools. Genesis 8:19 “Every beast, every creeping thing, and every fowl, and whatsoever creepeth upon the earth, after their kinds, went forth out of the ark.” Noah saved a pair of each kind of unclean creature, and seven pairs of every kind of clean creature on the Ark. Generally speaking, the classification of “kind” is broader than today’s species. Creationists believe that today’s species developed from those creatures, staying within the kind. For example, while there are many species of fruit flies, they are all of the same kind. But how could all the species we know today have developed so quickly? In 1978, a few European fruit flies were accidentally introduced to Chili. They have now spread their population over much of North America’s west coast. In that short time, they differentiated within their kind. For example, those found in more northern latitudes have the longer wingspans, while those in the more southerly latitudes have shorter wingspans. Tests have shown that these differences are due to differences in genetic makeup. Amazingly, the same pattern of longer wing spans in more northerly fruit flies is very much like the pattern observed in European fruit flies. Even more astonishing is the fact that the American fruit flies achieve the longer and short wing spans through the lengthening of a different part of the wing than their European cousins. That these differences, down to the genetic level, have developed in a mere quarter of a century illustrates how, in the few thousand years since the Flood, the various species we know today could have easily developed from their basic kinds. Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide,overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.” God cares about all of the creatures He has made – even ants. God has invented such incredible ways to provide for them that Bible skeptics often get caught in their own traps! Those who don’t believe the Bible is the Word of God have in the past pointed out an error, as they call it, in Proverbs 6:8. Proverbs 6:6-8 talks about the wisdom of the ant in gathering and storing food for the winter. Skeptics said this must come from some ancient myths about ants because there are no ants known to gather and store food. In the last few years, however, their laughter has stopped. We now know of three different species of ants that gather and store food. And guess what? Two of these species are native to Israel! Evolutionists tell us that they are sure the first real human beings weren’t even smart enough to gather and store grain and seeds. It is obvious that ants who gather and store grain and seeds are totally unexpected by evolution. But we know that we have a Creator who provides for all the needs of all His creatures – even ants. The Bible shows itself to be true in all earthly things it tells us about. This is God’s way of impressing upon us the accuracy of His Word so that we might believe when it tells us about spiritual things like our Savior, Jesus Christ. Job 9:10 “Which doeth great things past finding out; yea, and wonders without number.” Did you ever stand up a little too quickly and get dizzy? That happens because by standing you may have temporarily lowered the blood pressure in your brain. Can you imagine what can happen when the giraffe swings his head from the ground to the treetop? The giraffe’s heart and the rest of his cardiovascular system are very different from ours – and from most other creatures. If it weren’t different, there wouldn’t be any giraffes! In order to get his blood all the way from his heart up that long neck to his brain, the giraffe’s heart must produce twice as much blood pressure as would be expected in an animal his height. But the giraffe’s brain is very sensitive to high blood pressure. So giraffes have been given a special structure that’s been called the “wonder net”, where the blood supply enters his brain. This wonder net keeps the blood pressure in the giraffe’s brain just where it should be. Even if the giraffe drops his head quickly – say, from nibbling a treetop to take a drink of water – the blood pressure in his head remains safe. The wonder net can quickly control such rapid changes. And to prevent used blood from draining back into his brain when he lowers his head, the giraffe has a special set of one way check valves in his neck. When we talk about our Creator, we need not be afraid that some people will think we are talking about worthless things. Truly, the wonders the Creator has made are great and worthy to be told to people far and wide! “A seven-year-old from Cumbria has moved his foot for the first time after undergoing pioneering therapy after his parents rejected pressure from doctors to abort him. Doctors did not expect Noah Wall, who was born with spina bifida, only 2 per cent of his brain and is paralyzed from the waist down, to live more than a few days. They advised his parents, Shelley and Rob Wall, to consider abortion on five separate occasions. But they refused, and now Noah continues to defy expectations. At the age of three, his brain had grown to a remarkable 80 percent of what it should be and is now nearly fully-functional, leaving medical professionals stunned. He is now undergoing specialized treatment--designed to alter the way the brain sends messages to his limbs. ‘We were offered termination five times,’ Rob told documentary, The Boy Without a Brain. ‘It was never an option for us. To me, we wanted to give Noah that chance of life. To hear his brain’s almost back to normal is beyond belief,’ Shelly Wall said. ‘Rob and I broke down when we heard the news. It was like a dream. I’ve never known anything like it. Even the consultants were in tears. Every time we see the doctors, they just shake their head. They’re just amazed at what he can do.’” “Boy with ‘No Brain’ Continues to Defy Expectations,” Right to Life UK, Dec. 8, 2019 Matthew 6:27-29 “Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” If you wake up when it’s still dark, you know how overwhelming it can be to turn on the light. Your eyes may even hurt at first. If you’ve had this experience, you can understand one of the problems that had to be solved when radar was developed. Basically, radar is made up of two parts. The transmitter sends out a powerful beam of radar waves. But the other part of the radar system is a very sensitive receiver that cannot stand the powerful outgoing signal. One of the major technical problems to be overcome in developing modern radar involved sending out this powerful signal without overwhelming the sensitive receiver. What scientists finally developed was a fast switch that turns the sensitive receiver off every time a radar pulse is sent out. Bats, who have their own sonic radar, had this problem solved from the beginning. They have muscles in their ears that are the receivers for the echoes. These muscles close the ears for split seconds when the bats are sending out their high pitched signals. Without this feature, the bat’s navigational system would be useless. How could a bat figure out that it needed this ability and then decide to grow the muscles and related tissue to do the job? When one decides to say that creatures, instead of the Creator, have made themselves, one can end up with some very silly conclusions! Kim Kardashian, one of the queens of the me-centered pop culture, says her New Year’s resolutions include dressing more modestly. Following on the heels of her rapper husband Kanye West’s professed Christian conversion, earlier this year Kim journeyed to her homeland of Armenia to be “baptized” in an Orthodox church. A few weeks ago, Kanye asked Kim to dress more modestly, and though she wasn’t in agreement at the time, now she says, “I don’t know if it’s the fact that my husband has voiced that sometimes too sexy is just overkill, and he’s not comfortable with that. But I have kind of had this awakening myself. I realized I could not even scroll through Instagram in front of my kids without full nudity coming up on my feed pretty much all the time” (“Kim Kardashian Resolves,” Christian Headlines, Dec. 2, 2019). This is a good decision, as far as it might go, but it is more along the lines of a mid-life moral adjustment than biblical repentance. Biblical confession of sin is to agree unequivocally with God that a particular act is sin, and public sin must be confessed publicly. True repentance on the part of a Hollywood movie star, a supermodel, or a pop music diva would consist of a public confession that the indecent flaunting of herself is illicit by God’s holy standards and that her actions have contributed to an adulterous generation that is shaking its fist at Almighty God. God’s Word condemns “the attire of an harlot” and warns “that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart” (Proverbs 7:10; Matthew 5:28). True repentance is a change of mind about God that results in a change of life. It is the Prodigal Son saying, “I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants” (Luke 15:18-19). Biblical salvation by grace teaches “that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world” (Titus 2:12), and, “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesians 5:11). Biblical regeneration will reprove pop culture evils. Kim’s first marriage, which began with a multi-million dollar wedding, ended 72 days later. Her 2014 book featuring 2,000 selfies was titled Selfish. Our earnest prayer is that all of the Kardashians of this lost world would find true peace in Jesus Christ and be lights in an evil generation. (Friday Church News Notes, December 20, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) James 4:7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” One of the things the Hawaiian Islands have been famous for is that they have no snakes. But although there are no friends or relatives for them to visit, increasing numbers of brown tree snakes are catching the next plane to Hawaii. The snake is native to the Solomon Islands, New Guinea and Australia. Thirty years ago, Guam had no snakes either. Now there are up to 30,000 of the slightly venomous snakes per square mile. They were probably inadvertently carried to Guam by military transport planes. Guam’s birds had never seen snakes before and had no natural fear of them. Since brown tree snakes are excellent climbers, most of Guam’s bird species were wiped out. The snakes’ love of climbing seems to be their ticket to the Hawaiian Islands. They climb airplane landing gears and make the trip in cargo holds or wheel wells. Two snakes were recently discovered on a runway in Oahu on the same day. One died, but the other was still alive when found. Authorities are worried about more than what the presence of snakes might do to tourism. Hawaii’s beautiful tropical birds would be easy pickings for the snakes, just as were the birds in Guam. Experimental snake barriers are now being devised for use at island airports. God protects His creatures by giving them the ability to recognize their enemies. We need to recognize the disguises of our enemies, too. Our greatest enemy, Satan, has been vanquished by the Son of God, Who took the form of a man for our salvation. “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ” (Jude 1:3-4). The overall theme of the little epistle of Jude is apostasy from the New Testament faith and how to deal with it. Jude is a warrior for the truth, and he teaches every believer and every family and every church to be the same. He is a rip-roaring fundamentalist! He is compassionate toward the saints (“mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. Beloved ... beloved...”). But he is fierce toward heretics. He isn’t content with preaching “positive truth.” He cares nothing for avoiding controversy. Like the Psalmist, he doesn’t merely love truth, he hates error (Psalm 119:128). He is a contender, a warner, a reprover, a sharp rebuker, plain spoken, even severe in his denunciations. He is in the middle of the fray, just like the prophets of old, like Enoch, John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, and John the apostle. When I was a young preacher, in about 1980, I wrote to noted evangelical author Warren Wiersbe and asked how he could be associated with Christianity Today and its non-critical promotion of heretics. He replied that I should “take off the gloves and pick up a towel.” That’s not Jude type of counsel. With Jude, fighting and serving is not either/or, it is both! Jude was definitely not a New Evangelical, and for the Bible lover, that is all he needs to know about whether or not New Evangelicalism is the right path. (Friday Church News Notes, December 20, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Psalm 12:6 “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.” Have you heard people say things like this: “The Bible has been copied, and copied, and translated, and copied. There must have been errors made at every stage in the process. Today’s Bible is like the result of a telephone game and must have been changed beyond recognition from its original meaning.” They obviously cannot remember how the telephone game was played. I don’t know about you, but when my friends and I played the telephone game, the end phrase was always much shorter than the initial phrase, and most of it was complete nonsense. In short, even when we start with a sensible, coherent message, we do not end with one. So how could a telephone game of translations produce the coherent narrative of the Bible today? Also, these Bible critics do not understand how biblical copyists worked. Their checking of every page of copied text was meticulous. Manuscripts with damaged sections were destroyed after copying to prevent copyists errors. While these copyists were not perfect, their perfectionist methodology prevented major errors. The Dead Sea Scrolls’ text of Isaiah was 900 years earlier than the Masoretic Hebrew text usually used in translations. But only nine differences can be found – and all nine of these are tiny, tiny differences that make no difference to the meaning. That’s one inconsequential difference every 100 years, and no difference resulting in a change of meaning in 900! Truly, you can trust that the Bible in your hands is the word of God. Probably the last clear warning against New Evangelicalism at Moody Bible Institute was given by Charles Woodbridge at Moody Founder’s Week in 1961. Though the warning was ignored by most, it was heeded by a young preacher named Rolland Starr of Massachusetts, who later pastored Cornerstone Baptist Church in Belmont. In 1998, he wrote the following reminiscence: “When I entered the ministry 40 years ago [1958], I sensed some things did not seem altogether right in the church circles where I fellowshipped, but I could never put my finger on it. The language always seemed right and yet Bible believers (pastors, leaders, etc.) seemed to be leaning toward those who were not in the mainstream of Fundamentalism. I did notice Billy Graham’s change. However, things really came into focus in 1961 when someone paid my way to attend Moody Founder’s Week at Moody Bible Institute--once a Fundamental institution but now deeply imbedded in the Evangelical camp. Though unknown to me, even when I was there, seeds of this new philosophy were well developed at Moody. Dr. Charles Woodbridge was one of the speakers and it was announced that one afternoon he would hold a special session for pastors, evangelists, missionaries, etc. After hearing what he had to say about this new mood, I marvel that he was asked to speak there. Probably 200 or more were present. I remember it almost as if it were yesterday since it was such an eye-opener. I still remember his outline. He said there were some changes going on among the Evangelicals-Fundamentalists. First, he noted that there was a new mood among them. It was a mood of compromise and accommodation. Then, there was a new method in evangelical circles and he particularly mentioned the new method in evangelism: ecumenical evangelism which Billy Graham had entered into some five years previously. Lastly, he warned that there would follow a new message. Anyone who says that Billy Graham, and the rest of the Evangelical crowd, preaches the old-time Gospel, the one he preached 45 or 50 years ago, does not know what he is talking about. My eyes were really opened. Dr. Woodbridge had certainly turned on the light. I came home a different man. I soon lost a good many of my former friends in and out of the ministry. I was too narrow, too bigoted. I have no regrets for, though it has not always been easy, it is wonderful just to stand on God’s Holy Word. I bless God for that man who had the courage to warn God’s servants of this deviant Christianity” (Starr, The New Evangelical Experiment, 1998, p. 4). (Friday Church News Notes, December 20, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Proverbs 20:12 “The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.” That alleged fount of all knowledge – Wikipedia – has this to say about the supposed evolution of mammalian ears: The evolution of mammalian auditory ossicles was an evolutionary event in which bones in the jaw of reptiles were co-opted to form part of the hearing apparatus in mammals. The event is well-documented and important as a demonstration of transitional forms and exaptation, the re-purposing of existing structures during evolution. Exaptation is like a sort of excuse that evolutionists use for problems with their theory. It refers to an adaptation which is supposed to be favorable but then turns out to have a different use. In this case, it refers to some small jaw bones in extinct creatures called synapsids which are assumed to be reptilian ancestors of mammals. Reptiles have multiple jaw bones, whereas mammals have just one, so evolutionists suppose that some of these bones changed into the ear’s tiny ossicle bones – the malleus, incus and stapes. Wikipedia describes it thus: As they evolved in synapsids, these jaw bones were reduced in size and either lost or, in the case of the articular, gradually moved into the ear, forming one of the middle ear bones. But how can a bone “gradually move”? They are actually referring to supposed differences in offspring, but these differences are not seen. So synaptids are assumed to be transitional forms, with no mechanism for even their transition into mammals. It makes more sense to view these clearly distinct types as separate creations by God. Daniel Cameron, who has taught theology at Moody Bible Institute (MBI) since 2017, holds the heresy that Jesus shared man’s fallen nature. He had an epiphany of this doctrine at a Chris Tomlin Christian rock concert while listening to the words of “Jesus Messiah” -- “He became sin, who knew no sin. That we might become His righteousness.” This is an inaccurate translation that allows for the heresy that Christ partook of human fallenness, which is what Cameron believes. (He was ordained by Moody Church and works with youth there.) In Christianity Today this month, Cameron wrote, “Theologians such as Karl Barth and T.F. Torrance argue in the spirit of Gregory of Nazianzus that ‘the unassumed is the unhealed.’ In order for Jesus to bring healing to our sinful natures and provide a new way to be human, in the incarnation Jesus must vicariously assume a fallen human nature into union with his divine nature and divine person. In the words of 20th-century Scottish theologian T.F. Torrance, Jesus ‘entered into our condemned state under divine judgment and made it his own, suffered the Eli, Eli, lama sabacthani, and yielded up the Ghost under the burden of sin and judgment and wrath.’ ... Because sin is a corruption of nature, it is that fallen nature that Jesus assumed into union within His person” (“What It Means that Jesus Was ‘Without Sin’?” Christianity Today, Dec. 5, 2019). In true Barthian fashion, Cameron uses human logic as an authority and employs double speak to claim that Jesus “assumed fallen nature” but also that Jesus was sinless. Cameron makes non-critical reference to three heretics in this one article: Karl Barth, T.F. Torrance, and Gregory of Nazianzus, a disciple of Origen and a publisher of his works. These are the dangerous waters of contemporary evangelicalism. Since the days of Harold Ockenga, they have renounced “separatism,” so there is no protection from heresy. (Friday Church News Notes, December 20, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Proverbs 20:12 “The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, the LORD hath made even both of them.” The human ear has to be one of the most remarkable mechanisms that you can find. The bit of the ear that we can see is only part of the mechanism that God created for us to hear with. The outer ear, or pinna, is shaped in such a way as to direct the compressions and rarefactions of sound waves into the ear-hole – or auditory canal. What do you do if you can’t quite hear what is being said? Do you cup your hand around your outer ear? This helps collect a little more sound, reflecting into the auditory canal. At the inner end of this canal, there is a layer of skin stretched across – the timpanic membrane, or “eardrum”. The sound waves cause this to vibrate. This, in turn, sets three tiny bones vibrating – the smallest bones in your body known, because of their shapes, as the hammer, anvil and stirrup. These bones, known collectively as ossicles, vibrate each other in a manner which achieves two important effects. First, the sound entering the ear is concentrated and amplified, and second, distracting side sounds are reduced considerably. The ossicles amplify sound by up to 20 times. Finally, the stirrup vibrates the secondary timpanic membrane – another layer of thin skin – which, in turn, affects the vestibulocochlear nerve which transmits the messages to the brain. Evolutionists believe that the ossicles evolved from the reptilian jaw bones. Yet, everything in the ear works together so well that it is an obvious example of high level design. Prayer is the only thing that can have a significant effect on America’s terrible spiritual and moral condition. Almighty God, who is in control of all earthly authorities, has specifically instructed His people to pray for their governments. Surely, we can pray such a prayer in perfect faith that He will answer and help us. “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2:1-2). (Friday Church News Notes, December 13, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) In a nutshell, the main danger of the Internet in general and social media in particular is evil communications. “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Co. 15:33). Evil communications refer to any kind of associations, relationships, communion, conversation, and fellowship that is evil, bad, wrong, or harmful by the standard of God’s Word. “Evil” is the Greek kakos, the standard New Testament word for evil. It is usually translated “evil.” It is also translated “wicked” (Mt. 21:41), “harm” (Ac. 16:28), “ill” (Ro. 13:10), “noisome” (Re. 16:2). Evil is anything that is contrary to God’s standard of righteousness and holiness, anything that is contrary to God’s will. God’s standard for His redeemed people is very high. “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from ALL filthiness of the flesh and spirit, PERFECTING holiness in the fear of God” (2 Co. 7:1). “Communications” is homilia, “to converse, to have companionship.” It is from homileo, meaning “a multitude, a crowd, a company.” It is translated “talked together” (Lu. 24:14) and “communed together” (Lu. 24:15). “Good manners” is chrestos (profitable, fit, good for any use) and ethos (custom, habit, morals, character). It refers to the right way of living and thinking. “Corrupt” is phthero, “to waste, pine, destroy, spoil.” It is translated “defile” and “destroy” (1 Co. 3:17). It is used for the corruption of the mind by false doctrine (2 Co. 11:3). The Bible warns, therefore, that any association or company or communion with evil corrupts and spoils the right and biblical way of Christian living and thinking. God’s Word says, “Be not deceived” on this point. You are not an exception. If you associate with, commune with, company with, converse with evil, you will most definitely be injured by it. The word homilia--communion, companionship, a crowd, a company--is a precise definition for social media! There has never been a more powerful forum for evil communications in the history of this fallen world. Let God’s people take heed! On the positive side, 1 Corinthians 15:33 calls for a testing mindset. It is an unequivocal divine commandment to judge everything by the standard of whether or not it is an evil communication and to avoid everything that fits that standard. This is contrary to the “judge not, be tolerant, mind your own business” thinking that is predominate within 21st century Christianity. (Friday Church News Notes, December 13, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Genesis 3:8 “And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.” Many people remember their high school physics teachers doing experiments with slinky coils, but few remember what the point of the experiments was! They simply remember the teacher using the long coiled spring to make waves. The waves occur because a motion is made which causes a force in the opposite direction. So, if the spring is forced to move to the right, a force is produced by that spring towards the left. This slows the motion down and eventually moves the spring in the opposite direction until it passes the midpoint and produces a force the other way. Air is also springy. There are forces between the molecules of the gases in the air. We know that if air is compressed, it wants to decompress itself. That is the reason that compressed air can be used as a means of transferring energy. When a sound is made, what actually happens is that a bit of the air is compressed and then expands again. As it expands, it compresses the next bit of air, which then expands. This compresses the next bit of air – and so on, until the compressions hit the eardrum in your ear. So, sound is transmitted by waves of compressions of air. God has designed it so that our ears can detect these compressions and expansions with a very sensitive piece of skin, and clever microphone and amplifier system. In fact, this mechanism is so clever that it had to have been designed, rather than appearing by chance. “Margaret Sanger belonged to a group of leftists who were also associated with the creation of the American Civil Liberties Union. The most prominent figure in this radical circle was Emma Goldman, known as ‘Red Emma.’ Goldman was a revolutionary who had plotted with her lover to assassinate Henry Clay Frick, chairman of the Carnegie Steel Company. The plot failed, and she was deported to the Soviet Union. In her own mind, Sanger, too, was a revolutionary, openly proclaiming that birth control was the means by which she intended to change the world. In March 1914, Sanger launched a monthly newspaper, the Woman Rebel, which promoted not only contraception but moral and political anarchy. The paper’s motto was ‘No gods, no masters!’ In a 1930 profile of Sanger in The New Yorker, writer Helena Huntington Smith noted that the Woman Rebel mixed its birth-control propaganda with a good deal of red-flag-waving, and perorations of the ‘Workers of the World, Arise!’ variety. She printed rousing contributions entitled ‘A Defense of Assassination’ and ‘The Song of the Bomb,’ and composed an editorial declaring: ‘Even if dynamite were to serve no other purpose than to call forth the spirit of revolutionary solidarity and loyalty, it would prove its great value.’ Her 1920 book, Woman and the New Race, was a manifesto of her revolutionary program to change the world. Margaret Sanger belonged to the company of self-appointed social redeemers. A eugenicist, she believed that the world’s problems—poverty, hunger, war—stemmed from the ‘fit’ having too few children and the ‘unfit’ having too many. The ‘unfit’ were people of the lower classes and races she regarded as inferior. The disastrous situation that uncontrolled births created could be remedied, she believed, if people could be bred like animals with an eye to improving the species. Sanger believed that salvation lay in ‘liberating’ women by endowing them with ‘reproductive freedom’. She wrote, ‘Even as birth control is the means by which woman attains basic freedom, so it is the means by which she must and will uproot the evil she has wrought through her submission.’ She based the title of her 1922 book The Pivot of Civilization on the notion that birth control is the pivot or turning point by which civilization can move from barbarism and disaster to future rationality and well-being. Such delusional world-transforming ambitions lie at the heart of every radical cause and fuel the extremist energies and beliefs. ‘Reproductive freedom’—with its implications of world-transforming consequences—is still the rallying cry of the women’s movement Sanger inspired.” David Horowitz’s Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, 2018 Psalm 33:2 “Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings.” There is a strong link between physics and music. Usually, the best way to understand sound is to see how musical instruments work. Consider, for example, how stringed instruments make music by vibration. A guitar has six strings, all of which are the same length. However, a number of factors affect the sound. The pitch of the sound can be affected in a number of ways. If more tension is put into the string, by tightening the machine head, then the pitch goes up. The strings are usually different thicknesses. If all six strings are tightened to the same tension, then the one with the greater thickness will have the lowest pitch. The pitch can be defined in terms of the frequency of the string vibrations. Frequency means how many times the string vibrates in a second. The greater the frequency, the higher the pitch. How loud the sound is is related to the “height” of the sound wave – called the amplitude. A greater amplitude indicates a louder sound. So there is a great deal of Math and Physics involved in the study of music. But no amount of scientific research can explain why, for example, Beethoven chose to put the various notes, of different pitch and timbre, together in a work like his 9th Symphony. That creativity is possible only because humans are made in the image of God, and we reflect His creativity when we exercise ours. “Israel ‘Izzy’ Folau, Australian Rugby player who was sacked because he posted a Christian message on Instagram, reached a settlement Wednesday in a lawsuit he filed for unfair firing from the team. Although Folau originally sought $14 million, the terms of the settlement remain confidential. Rugby Australia and Rugby NSW also apologized to Israel for sacking him and any ‘hurt or harm’ the firing caused. ‘We are extremely pleased with the settlement reached today,’ Folau continued. ‘With today’s acknowledgment and apology by Rugby Australia, we have been vindicated and can now move on with our lives to focus on our faith and our family. I believe in a God that’s in control of all things. Whatever His will is, whether that’s to continue playing or not, I’m more than happy to do what He wants me to do.’ Earlier this year, Folau posted a statement on Instagram that is based on 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. It stated, ‘Warning. Drunks, Homosexuals, Adulterers, Liars, Fornicators, Thieves, Atheists, Idolaters. Hell Awaits You. Repent! Only Jesus Saves.’ Folau said, ‘First and foremost, I live for God now. Whatever He wants me to do, I believe His plans for me are better than whatever I can think. If that’s not to continue on playing, so be it.’” “Vindicated: Australian Rugby Star,” The Stream, Dec. 5, 2019 Psalm 8:3-4 “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” Venus is the planet, whose orbit brings it closest to that of the Earth. Its closest approach is about 25 million miles, and the two planets make this close approach once every 584 days. It is also the planet most similar in size and mass to the Earth. There are those who would once have described Venus as Earth’s twin. Science fiction writers, early in the 20th Century, such as C.S. Lewis, and Isaac Asimov, informed by contemporary science, described Venus as a habitable place. Today, we are startled at how different our twin planet is. Completely covered in an atmosphere, mostly of carbon dioxide, with some nitrogen and sulfur dioxide, the planet’s surface is the hottest of any planet in the Solar System, due to its runaway greenhouse effect. Venus orbits the Sun once every 224.7 days, but rotates on its axis once every 243 Earth days. Its axial rotation is also in the opposite direction to that of the Earth, and most other planets. How is this possible, if the Earth and Venus were formed from the same solar dust cloud, at about the same time, rotating in the same direction? How is it that the Earth has a magnetic field, while Venus does not? How is it that the Earth has a moon – The Moon – while Venus does not? If Venus is Earth’s twin, it is a non-identical twin. As separate creations, these differences make sense, but evolutionary explanations of these planets’ formations does not. World leader of the Salvation Army, Brian Peddle, met with Pope Francis in Rome on November 8 to express ecumenical oneness and joint efforts to save the world through social action. The pope said, “Holiness transcends denominational boundaries. Catholics and Salvationists can increasingly assist one another and cooperate in a spirit of mutual respect” (“Pope asks Catholics, Salvation Amy to spread God’s love through service,” Crux, Nov. 8, 2019). The previous Salvation Army General, André Cox, was the first Salvation Army leader to visit the pope. During the 2014 visit, the pope said, “The differences between Catholics and Salvationists regarding theological and ecclesiological questions need not impede the witness of our shared love of God and love of neighbour.” The Salvation Army was founded in the 1800s by William and Catherine Booth for the purpose of preaching the gospel and assisting the needy. It is basically Methodist in doctrine and preaches a “holding out faithful” salvation and sinless perfection sanctification. “Continuance in a state of salvation depends upon continued obedient faith in Christ. It is the privilege of all believers to be wholly sanctified” (“Doctrines of the Salvation Army”). The Salvation Army does not practice baptism or the Lord’s Supper. Ecumenism and social welfare have long dominated the organization’s agenda. (Friday Church News Notes, December 13, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Psalm 8:3-4 “When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” Even a small telescope will show you that the surface of the Moon is covered with craters. On the Earth, most craters are the remnants of volcanic activity. However, there are a small number of craters formed by the impact of meteoroids – a general term, covering the type of objects likely to form impact craters. Studies of the Moon’s surface suggest that the majority of Lunar craters are impact craters. The rate of impact by meteoroids is pretty small today, so, if that rate were constant, then the cratered surface of the Moon could have taken millions of years to get like it is. However, studies of the possible lava flows in the Moon’s maria areas suggest that the impacts must have been much greater in the past. And the Moon is not the only object in the Solar System with craters. Space exploration has shown that most solid objects in the Solar System have a lot of craters on them. Photographs of Mercury are often mistaken for pictures of the Moon, so covered in craters is the planet’s surface. Creationists suggest that there was a massive cratering event at some point in the past. There are two competing models, both of which seem to work biblically. Some suggest that craters are part of the planet forming events on Day Four of the Creation Week. Others suggest that cratering occurred at the onset of the Flood, and could have been the mechanism used by God to trigger the Flood. Hillsong Phoenix is hosting Alpha Conference 2020 on January 30-31, complete with a Catholic mass. Speakers include Sarah Shin of Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Francis Chan, Kelvin Walker of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, Catholic priest James Mallon, and contemporary worship leader Matt Redman. The conference opens on Friday morning with a Catholic mass in which a wafer of bread will become the actual body and blood of Jesus and will be worshipped as Jesus by the participants, according to official Catholic doctrine. Alpha is an interdenominational evangelistic program that was birthed in the 1990s at Holy Trinity Brompton Anglican Church in London, England, from a charismatic “revival” in which people experienced “massive electricity going through” their bodies, were thrown across rooms by spiritual forces, howled, laughed like hyenas, lay on the floor with their feet in the air, and were “drunk.” The Alpha course includes a “Holy Spirit Day” with the objective of bringing the participants into a charismatic experience, including teaching them how to speak in “tongues.” Alpha is helping to build the end-time, one-world “church.” Developer Nicky Gumble, vicar of Holy Trinity Brompton, says, “Alpha runs in every arm of the Church. It’s growing the fastest in the Catholic church. What unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. In every different part of the body of Christ--Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, non-denominational, Catholic, Pentecostals, Bulgarian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox--Alpha crosses all divides” (“The Alpha Course: An International Phenomenon,”, March 2012). Hillsong is a network of churches and an influential producer of contemporary worship music. It began at Hills Christian Life Centre in Sydney, Australia, and has branched out to start churches in London, New York City, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and other cities. Popular Hillsong songs include “Oceans,” “Shout to the Lord,” “Stronger,” “This Is Our God,” and “Mighty to Save.” (Friday Church News Notes, December 13, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Genesis 1:9-10 “And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.” I love the way Creation Astronomer Spike Psarris starts an article about the water that is on the Earth. He writes: Did you know that the Earth doesn’t have any water on it? Yup. It’s bone-dry. Or at least it should be, according to the nebular hypothesis (the standard secular model for the origin of our Solar System). This nebula hypothesis suggests that all planets condensed out of a cloud of dust and gas orbiting the Sun about 4.6 billion years ago. Lighter, more volatile materials would only be able to condense into planets further away from the Sun; hence, the formation of the gas giants. So, water, being a highly volatile substance, could not have formed on the surface of the Earth. Yet here it is! Water covers 70% of the Earth’s surface. So, other evolutionary astronomers have suggested that water arrived on the Earth after its formation, possibly by the impact of comets. Now, it is true that comets often contain a lot of water. A water molecule has the chemical formula H2O. However, hydrogen atoms exist in more than one isotope. The two most common are called hydrogen and deuterium. So some water molecules contain a deuterium atom in place of one of the hydrogens. Comet ice contains a lot more deuterium than the Earth’s water, so Earth’s water could not have come from comets. The Bible’s explanation, that the water was here at the beginning, is much more consistent with the observations. |
February 2020