“Last week, Reformation Charlotte reported that a well-known CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) leader, speaker, and author, Matt Mikalatos had been actively seeking to import Roman Catholicism and Native American mysticism into the Evangelical Church by inviting people who hold to these aberrant religions to speak at CRU events. Mikalatos, a CRU leader out of Portland Oregon, invited the self-described ‘Native American Mystic’ and Pagan, Kaitlin Curtice, to speak at an event to which, thankfully, she declined. Mikalatos had also been exposed for attempting to get Catholic priests to come and speak at other events. It is beyond sound reason why anyone who claims to hold to the biblical doctrine of salvation which is expressed in the Five Solas of the Protestant Reformation would find it acceptable to invite Roman Catholics, tree-worshiping mystics, and other aberrant religious speakers to address Christian students. It goes without saying--for any Bible-believing Christian--that those who oppose Christ’s way of salvation are opposed to Christ Himself--and certainly, the Roman Catholic Church is opposed to salvation by Grace Alone through Faith Alone. Further, the Roman Catholic Church anathematizes Protestants who do hold to a biblical soteriology. Yet, Mikalatos doesn’t stop there. Keep in mind that Mikalatos is a man with a significant amount of influence over young Christian students. Inside and outside of CRU circles, Mikalatos is a gifted and sought after speaker. Yet, despite his gift, the aberrant theology that he carries with him continues to damage the Church. Mikalatos has followed in the footsteps of one of his colleagues we reported about previously, Rachel Gilson, and has completely affirmed ‘gay Christianity.’ In an article titled ‘How Do I Talk to LGBTQ Friends about the Gospel?’ Mikalatos says, ‘Practice Saying This: “You Can Be Gay and Follow Jesus.”’ But he didn’t stop there; he completely affirmed that godless notion that coming to Christ doesn’t require repentance of sin. He actually said, ‘We all have a laundry list of sins in our lives, and repentance requires acknowledging only one of them.’ In complete and total affirmation of ‘gay Christianity,’ Mikalatos writes, ‘There are a good number of LGBTQ people who are already followers of Jesus. There may even be a gay person in your church who is following Jesus, just like you are. Don’t assume that because someone is Queer they are not already connected spiritually, maybe deeply connected!’” “No Need to Repent,” reformationcharlotte.org, Sept. 30, 2019 Comments are closed.
February 2020