At least six North Carolina magistrates have resigned rather than perform same-sex "marriages" as required after the state's ban on the same was declared unconstitutional on October 10 by federal judges. Five of the magistrates are Baptists and one is Wesleyan. Bill Stevenson of Gaston County says: "I prayed about it; I asked for wisdom. I think our hearts have been led away by the cares of the world, our desires, and ultimately, our intense arrogance--our hubris--against the Lord. We've rejected the prime authority of the Scriptures, something our Nation's Founding Fathers, such as John Adams, knew better than to do. ... In both the Old and New Testaments, homosexuality is something the Lord does not approve of, and since He doesn't, I could not put the sanction of the state on a relationship that runs afoul of scripture. ... The concern I have is that America just needs to repent of many sins, not just this sin" ("Judges Quit," say no to same-sex marriages," Christian Examiner, Oct. 29, 2014). Gayle Myrick of Jackson County said: "I believe marriage was ordained by God to be between a man and a woman. For me to do what the state said I had to do, under penalty of law, I would have to go against my convictions, and I was not willing to do that. I want to honor what the word says." Referring to the loss of salary (more than $50,000 a year) and prestige, Gilbert Breedlove of Swain County said: "None of that matters when it goes against the Word of God specifically. The Lord did so much for us and He requires His people to stand on His Word, and live in faith, and that's what we're doing. I'm just standing in faith to declare this is what the Lord has said. It's my way of honoring God." Tommy Holland of Graham County said, "When the federal judges ruled that gay marriage was legal and North Carolina honors that, and part of a magistrate's job is to perform marriage ceremonies, I knew I couldn't honor that law. It's against my belief. It's against what the Bible says … I was raised a Southern Baptist. God has always taken care of me" ("Four More North Carolina Judges Resign," The Christian Post, Oct. 30, 2014). In his resignation letter, John Kallam, Jr., of Rockingham County said that marrying gay couples "would desecrate a holy institution established by God Himself" ("NC magistrate resigns,", ABC News, Oct. 27, 2014). Other magistrates have said that they will refuse to perform same-sex "marriages," which will probably lead to their dismissal unless a law is passed to grant protection. Republican state senator Phil Berger has promised to draft such a bill. (A magistrate is a judicial officer who handles certain criminal and civil matters.) (Friday Church News Notes, November 7, 2014,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Comments are closed.
February 2020