The following is one of the replies we received in response to the article “Jumboism,” which we published Sept. 26. “I just wanted to drop you a quick note thanking you for your article on ‘Jumboism’ that I received this morning. In my 15 years of pastoral ministry, I have often found myself being drawn into ‘Jumboism.’ All it has ever led to in my life is discouragement. It is so easy, especially as a younger pastor, to hear other pastors touting numbers and not be sucked into the same game. I have an earnest desire to teach our people the Word of God, and how to study it and become Bible students on their own as well. I want our folks to be always ready to give an answer for the hope that is in them. How strong the temptation is to leave off these things and do nothing but shoot for numbers! I don’t ever want to use the excuse ‘we’re not about numbers’ as an excuse for laziness and not laboring in soul winning and discipleship, but I certainly do not want to become infected with ‘Jumboism.’ Your article truly encouraged my heart this morning as we are striving to be a church that is ‘large’ Scripturally and not according to the world’s standards of success. I heard a good pastor refer to his church as a ‘crockpot church,’ slowly nurturing and developing sincere Christians, as opposed to a ‘microwave church,’ all about instant ‘Jumboism.’ I thought that was an apt illustration. Thank you again and God bless!” (Friday Church News Notes, October 11, 2019, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Comments are closed.
February 2020