Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed as a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court on October 6 and was sworn in that evening. During the Senate confirmation, allegations were made that he committed improprieties many decades ago as a high school student, but the allegations were not substantiated and were contradicted by multiple testimonies. The following is excerpted from “Planned Parenthood Admits,” Oct. 5, 2018, “While much of the Kavanaugh opposition centered on unproven and unsubstantiated claims that Kavanaugh had engaged in misconduct decades ago, despite witnesses saying otherwise, Planned Parenthood executive vice president Dawn Laguens admitted it was about abortion ‘from the start. Immediately after Kavanaugh was nominated, pro-abortion groups came out against him--saying he would be the 5th voted to overturn Roe v. Wade and its allowance for virtually unlimited abortions throughout pregnancy. Now, the top abortion chain official is admitted what everyone has said for weeks--this character assassination campaign is really just about abortion: ‘Kavanaugh’s anti-abortion judicial record disqualified him from sitting on the Supreme Court from the start. We knew that Trump nominated him because Kavanaugh will cast the fifth and deciding vote to gut Roe v. Wade,’ Laguens admitted. During the first day of questioning, Judge Brett Kavanaugh refused to say that there is a so-called right to abortion. He declined to take the bait from pro-abortion Senator Dianne Feinstein who wanted to get him to commit to upholding Roe v Wade once he is confirmed to the Supreme Court. Also during the hearings, a new document was released showing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is possibly open to overturning the infamous Roe v Wade decision that allows virtually unlimited abortions up to birth.” (Friday Church News Notes, October 12, 2018,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Comments are closed.
February 2020