According to the latest Pew Research study, “traditional” two-parent households now account for less than 50% of American families. Whereas in 1960, 73% of children lived with two married parents in their first marriage, today only 46% are in this situation. Whereas in 1960, 83% of people younger than 50 were in their first marriage, today 67% are. Whereas in 1960, 9% of children were living in a single-parent home, today 26% are. Whereas in 1960, just 5% of births occurred outside of marriage, today out-of-wedlock births stand at 40%. And the racial divide in these social ills is great. Whereas 84% of Asian children and 78% of white children are living in a two-parent married household, only 38% of black children are in this situation (and only 22% of those are parents in their first marriage). There are many reasons for this dramatic change in American society, but three major ones are the apostasy and compromise of the churches, the public school system and its atheistic, amoral John Dewey agenda, and the pop culture with its “me, me, me” philosophy. But God’s people don’t have to flow with society or be destroyed with its destruction. We are pilgrims in a strange land, and we must march to a different tune. By God’s grace, my wife and I are planning to celebrate our 40th anniversary this year. Our children have good marriages. Our grandchildren are being raised for Christ in good churches. None of our children or grandchildren ever attended public school. The churches we lead and are associated with are producing the same good fruit. Divorce is almost unheard of among our church members unless they come to us already divorced. Many say we are too “strict,” but we aren’t stricter than God’s Word requires. We give liberty where God gives liberty, but there is no liberty for God’s people to flirt with the wicked things of this world, and the fruit of holy separation is good and generational. “And have NO fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them” (Ephesian 5:11). (Friday Church News Notes, January 15, 2016,, [email protected], 866-295-4143) Comments are closed.
February 2020